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July Update

Production almost done, we expect Delivery middle of September and Pre Sales to begin on September 1, 2019. Free Priority Shipping of all CurryVac's until October 31.  We will have a limited supply of this first shipment so order right away to assure you will receive your CurryVac before the Winter sets in. Predictions are for a  very severe winter much like last year.

Test trials on our out of the pasture mare are complete in 30 days, the mare shed beautifully, the coat is short and glossy. This was a Palomino Color which is very hard to maintain in a show state. Photos attached.

CurryVac will really save you time and effort to make or keep a show quality coat, here in Florida we have had 90 deg. plus heat every day, with the CurryVac we did not raise a sweat on the user. You can imagine how hand currying would have changed that. 

Let the CurryVac do all the work. 

Day 1 of currying 


Day 30 Finished Coat